Google Finally Cracking Down On Manufacturer Device Updates
Security in the Android ecosystem is awful. There's just no other word to describe it. In large part, the blame for that can be placed at the feet of Google. Although they ...
Hackers Now Targeting Girl Scouts, Raising Privacy Concerns
As far as hackers are concerned, no target is safe. Not even the Girl Scouts. Recently, one of the Girl Scouts' official email accounts was accessed by an "unauthorized third party" and ...
Passwords: Not as Secure as You Might Think
We’ve all heard that in order to protect our information and online accounts we need to create complex passwords with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, right? Following such ...
Millions of Passengers’ Data Hacked in Airline Hit
One of Asia’s top airlines, Cathay Pacific Airways, said a hacker accessed personal information of 9.4 million customers, becoming the target of the world’s biggest airline data breach. Oh boy. The airline’s ...
Being Ready for a Corporate Crisis
Imagine you’re a top executive at a company hit by a major crisis within the last 72 hours. First, and most importantly, there may have been serious damage to the community ...
Cybersecurity Tops ECRI’s List of Top 10 Health Technology Hazards
Earlier in the week I wrote about how the airline industry needs us. Well, it would appear the healthcare field does as well. ECRI Institute has published its annual Top 10 ...
ICANN Set to Bolster the Internet’s Address Book
In a very short time, the internet will become a much more secure place. That’s because the Board of Directors for the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has approved plans ...
Issue With Android Could Let Someone Record Screen And Audio
Do you have an Android phone? Is it running either Lolipop, Marshmallow or Nougat? Those three account for slightly more than 75 percent of the Android phones in service today, so odds ...
Google Can Still Track You With Location Services Disabled
Google recently found itself in a bit of hot water after an investigation by Quartz revealed that the company was intrusively collecting location data on literally every Android device in use today. ...
Epson Printer Having Issues? It Could Be A Microsoft Update
Do you have an older Epson printer that suddenly stopped working? If so, it may not be the printer at all, but a recent Windows update that lies at the heart of ...